Police Scotland Project in Malawi

Scottish Government provide funding for Police Scotland to work with their colleagues in the Malawi Police Service, in the fight against Gender Based Violence and Child Protection. The programme is well established, with high levels of engagement and activity between both policing organisations.
A key milestone of the programme is to carry out a prolonged period of Sensitisation, via a Media Campaign in Malawi. Police Scotland are providing 100% of the funding required to carry out this work, which is planned to run between July 2018 and December 2018.
This campaign funding, represents a significant allocation of the funding available, therefore to provide sound governance, monitoring and evaluation, effectiveness and value for money, Police Scotland have requested the MaSP to perform an independent scrutiny function.
The campaign will in the main be via radio, both local and national. One billboard, strategically placed in a prominent, high traffic area in Zomba, Blantyre, Lilongwe and Mzuzu will also be commissioned.
Malawi Scotland Partnership is responsible for:
1. Establish working relationships with Malawi Police Service, National Child Protection Officer and others as required;
2. Provide independent oversight and progress reporting to Police Scotland.
3. Monitor & evaluate engagement and progress between MPS & Radio media outlets;
4. Comment on content, frequency, quality of products;
5. Evaluate value for money;
6. Provide ongoing effectiveness of each media utilised.