We are excited to announce the commencement of our Annual Strand meetings from next week Tuesday the 17th to Friday the 20th   of August 2021. On the Agenda will be GOM Updates from Strand Leads, Progress on annual reports submission, COVID – 19 responses from members and updates from the Scottish Government. All our members are encouraged to participate, each according to their respective stands. Please register your interest to Ruth Maluwa by emailing her at: rmaluwa@malawiscotlandpartnership.org

The meetings to be held as follows:

1. Education Strand

Forum: Zoom

Date: 17th August 2021

Time: 10:00am -12:00 noon


Meeting ID: 844 7593 0578

Passcode: 204103

2. Health Strand

Forum: Zoom

Date: 17th August 2021

Time: 02:00pm -04:00pm

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85729256296?pwd=SklHNmxMdHZ1eCtPTE5HelVhUE9hZz09

Meeting ID: 857 2925 6296

Passcode: 417876

3. Energy Strand

Forum: Zoom

Date: 18th August 2021

Time: 10:00am -12:00 noon


Meeting ID: 832 1175 4428

Passcode: 152478

4. Sustainable Economic Development Strand

Forum: Zoom

Date: 18th August 2021


Meeting ID: 834 8003 6400

Passcode: 113948Time: 02:00pm -04:00pm

5. Gender Strand

Forum: Zoom

Date: 19th August 2021

Time: 10:00am -12:00 noon

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89983805706?pwd=VE0zQzFZVDNjQWMxMkg1ZFJmTEgwQT09

Meeting ID: 899 8380 5706

Passcode: 251054

6.   WASH Strand

Forum: Zoom

Date: 19th August 2021

Time: 02:00pm -04:00 pm


Meeting ID: 813 1988 0353

Passcode: 916436

7  Civic Governance Strand

Forum: Zoom

Date: 19th August 2021

Time: 10:00am -12:00noon


Meeting ID: 862 4323 3311

Passcode: 543538

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