The Youth and Schools Forum was held on Tuesday 26th January 2021 and attracted attendants from both Malawi and Scotland .The aim of the meeting was to share knowledge and experience from both Malawi and Scotland, of running school partnerships during nearly one year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also on the Agenda was making useful introductions between teachers in both countries and enhancing the opportunity for Malawians to be involved in the conversation.

Ian Mitchell from Beath High School, Central Scotland opened up the presentations and the forum also had  speakers from Penicuik High School, St Ronan’s Primary School, Mazozo CDSS and Njala & Mapanga Partnership all taking part.

Speaking on the forum Peter Mchenga of Njale and Mapanga partnership illustrated that there is a need for partners to work together to produced material that will fight   against the growing misinformation against the Covid-19 vaccine as this vaccine offers great hope of freedom from the pandemic. He also indicated the data pricing in Malawi as a challenge to partnerships.

Jailos Mhango of Mazozo CDSS also lamented the cancelled trips due to covid-19 but on the positive side he explained that communication has been good there has been school fees support from the partners

Emma Wood, Gift Thompson, Godknows Maseko from STEKA also spoke emotionally on  dialogue groups that have helped both the Malawi and Scottish young people to learn from each other as equals with most young scots claiming to have had a life changing experience from  participating, with resilience being one of the major learning points.

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