The Malawi Scotland Partnership (MaSP) held its 8th Annual General Meeting (AGM) under the theme ‘Adapting to “The new Normal” through People and Passion” on Friday the 11th of December 2020 at the Sunbird Capital Hotel in Lilongwe. The meeting was attended by 60 members from various organizations. We were also joined by the SMP and other members through a live zoom link.
The meeting was opened up by the MaSP Board Chair Dr. Ann Phoya who in her opening remarks welcomed the guests and gave an overview of the status of the organisation amidst the pandemic. She reminded the members on the new principles governing the Scottish government’s international development strategy which were presented by the Scottish Minister for International Development Jenny Gilruth and expectations laid out during the roundtable meetings.
Some of the Highlights of the meeting were the management report which was presented by MaSP Programme Manager Linda Dembo who highlighted MaSP’s Strategic plan developed up to 2024 the Safeguarding project and other key initiatives which the organisation undertook over the year. We also had a message from SMP Board Chair Prof. Heather Cubie, message from SMP Chief Executive Officer David Hope-Jones, and the adoption of the Audit Report from AMG Global.
The stand out moment of the AGM was this brilliant input from one of our Directors Muthi Nhlema about Black Lives Matter and Build Back Better, which set the context for the break-out discussions. Do take the time to watch it here.